Boosie Badazz’ Verse on Slim Baby’s “Lost My Mind” Remix Is Shared 16K Times on Facebook

Boosie Badazz is at it again in his latest feature on Slim Baby’s “Lost My Mind” remix. Spade TV posted a low budget thriller snippet video from an unknown source and it has gone viral over the last 48 hours. It has been seen 1 million times and been shared over 16,000 times and counting. Since Spade TV posted the original Boosie Badazz verse snippet it has been recirculated on Instagram platforms like SteetJuiceTV.
“Lost My Mind” Boosie Verse on Instagram
Slim Baby – “Lost My Mind” feat. Boosie Badazz on Spotify has seen 30K views and currently is being considered for syndication in Spotify playlists curated by Spotify like Rap Caviar, Rap Workout, and Raptopia.
Check out the Boosie Badazz viral verse on Youtube:
The original “Lost My Mind” written and performed by Slim Baby has seen great success in streaming and in visuals. “Lost My Mind” on Spotify has been streamed almost 1 million times and the music video has been played a quarter of a million times. It was dropped in 2019 and has been increasing steadily over the last year-and-a-half in views and streams organically.
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