Gabi The Artist – I Belong To Me

“I Belong To Me” by Gabi The Artist was created to empower women and marginalized groups in a time period where human rights are being taken. Her lyrics are powerful as she takes ownership and responsibility of herself despite outside sources telling her otherwise. This upbeat acoustic / pop / singer-songwriter song of freedom will surely inspire those who get a chance to listen.
Gabi The Artist is a believer, an activist, singer-songwriter / guitarist from Montclair, NJ. She writes heart felt lyrics with catchy pop melodies with the intention to empower and uplift her listeners. Her dream is to inspire, unite, and build connections with others through her music to help create a better world.
Stream Gabi The Artist – “I Belong To Me”:
- Spotify:
- Apple Music:
- YouTube:
Follow Gabi The Artist:
- Instagram: @GabiTheArtist
- Facebook:
- TikTok: @gabitheartist
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