Giuseppe Bonaccorso – Ave Maria

By 44faced on Dec 19, 2024 in Music - 0 Comments

Giuseppe Bonaccorso provides an avant-garde and alternative version of the classical prayer, “Ave Maria,” which is addressed to the Virgin Mary, who, besides being a Christian symbol, can represent the sacred feminine who cares for her children with maternal love.

Giuseppe Bonaccorso is a music composer, classical guitarist, and poet who lives in Italy and works without boundaries. He has published several poetry books and has been awarded in many competitions. Giuseppe Bonaccorso has been interested in creative activities since childhood when he started creating pottery sculptures. As a classical guitarist, composer, and poet, Giuseppe Bonaccorso is strongly attracted to atonal, avant-garde, and highly experimental music. A countercultural artist, he creates his music through original compositional processes never tied to mainstream culture.

Stream Giuseppe Bonaccorso – “Ave Maria”:

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