IAmKeyNotes – Its Time

Discovery – Initiative – Hard Work…
Work Hard now, Play Hard later.
Check out IAmKeyNotes newest album, Its Time, on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, and Tidal: orcd.co/oqnqxdz
Key Notes, is known for his artistic creativity and talent. Born Keyon Dunston, in Portsmouth VA, Notes has spent most of his life enjoying music and dance.
At the age of 12, he began to hone in on his artistic abilities, starting with freestyle rap. Notes began writing his own rap music, and by the age of 16, he was adding dance into the mix. After mastering pop locking and krumping, Notes was able to develop his own creative rhythm which features many of the styles we are familiar with today. Dancing live for family and friends, Notes continues to share his talents by entertaining at functions and other family get-togethers.
Key Notes has always been known for his silly nature, and ability to make other people laugh. Cracking jokes and singing in funny voices allowed those around him to see that he possessed a hidden talent for singing. But, it wasn’t until hearing Chris Brown’s ‘Take You Down’ in 2007 that Notes realized this himself, discovered his own passion to sing, and decided to pursue music on a much larger scale.
He began nurturing this hidden talent by studying other music and receiving distant mentorship and influence from artists such as Chris Brown, R. Kelly, Trey Songz, Michael Jackson, and many others.
Raised by his mother in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, (later moving to the Charlotte area of North Carolina for a brief time), Key Notes has learned much about life, hard work, women, and himself. He has always been a believer of hard work, and knows that eventually, it will pay off. One of Notes’ favorite sayings is “Work Hard Now, Play Hard Later”. Meaning, keep your eyes on the prize.
Work as hard as you can to achieve your goals. And once you think you have given it all you’ve got, give ten times more. Then, you will see your breakthrough that will allow you to enjoy the benefits of all the hard work you put in. Those who are close to him, know that Notes lives by these words every single day. There is nothing about him that says “slouch”. While working a full-time management position, and serving his country in the military, Key Notes continues to give 110% to his music. Sacrificing time on the basketball court, hanging out with friends, and even sleep on some nights, Notes continues to write new lyrics and remains in the studio to pursue his music career.
Check out IAmKeyNotes newest album, Its Time, on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, and Tidal: orcd.co/oqnqxdz
Follow IAmKeyNotes:
- Instagram: @iamkeynotes
- Twitter: @iamkeynotes
- YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCpHpufPSVOfHP5_RmPVbfHg
- Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/0e9tJZGhYatFoK64zbpimi
- Facebook: facebook.com/iamkeynotes
- SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/iamkeynotes
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