NK47 – No Hook
By 44faced on Oct 16, 2021 in Music - 0 Comments

In the words of NK47: “The song no hook is an old school hip hop type rap that was inspired when I was listening to J Cole. It’s called “No Hook” because it has no chorus, just proper rap, and I rap about my music and how my life is right now and what I’m doing to get big.”
Stream NK47 – “No Hook”:
- YouTube: youtu.be/vEB0wvq5kG8
- SoundCloud: soundcloud.app.goo.gl/pxWWU
- Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/58xrF6T3bCKviX1bYQPbFc?si=9qaMX8BYSfeGDiAFhp3GZQ&utm_source=copy-link
Follow NK47:
- Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/75xyADMe4oplwlMacVLFNW?si=YHLsf5exSLi7yI2wxqKAsg&utm_source=copy-link
- YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCO3z7J1gC87xPa_vnYW2Jkg
- Instagram: @nk4ty7
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