RYZHUN – Depression (Coronavirus Pandemic)

“This song is dedicated to everyone who is suffering from depression. From my own personal experience and witnessing the struggle of people surrounding me with what’s taking place in our world today & how Covid-19 has brought depression upon our people, I wanted to influence the minds of the broken down lost souls that there’s always hope. You must remember who is in control. Redirect your thoughts….heal yourself. I hope that you will listen and that this uplifts the soul!”
RYZHUN (Son of the Risen)
About Ryzhun: Ryzhun is a rap artist/producer/director/sound engineer from Albuquerque, New Mexico. After a long struggle to gain total creative control over the sound quality and vision of his own music, he has released his first single, “Depression (Coronavirus Pandemic).”
Stream RYZHUN – “Depression (Coronavirus Pandemic)” on YouTube: youtu.be/zY8hRFDr20s
Follow Ryzhun:
- Facebook: RYZHUN
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