Thelen Creative – Shade On Me [Lofi Animated Short]

LoFi Animated Short Music Video “Shade On Me” Released via Thelen Creative YouTube
Northern California’s audio/visual collective Thelen Creative released an animated musical short titled, “Shade On Me” via the groups YouTube channel on Tuesday, April 20th 2021.
This trippy animated short is written & produced by George Thelen of Thelen Creative with animation by Dedisuseno of Central Java, Indonesia. The video features the track of the same name with audio mastered by Simon Gibson at Abbey Road Studios, London, England and production assistance provided by Stephen Fong at Acumen Productions, Oakland, California and Hayden Hallatt Music, Denver, Colorado. The track features the vocals of Los Angeles based artist C. Joleene (Wilton Felder, Jazz Crusaders / Stevie Wonder) with instrumentation by Thelen and Naomi Baraban on bass guitar. The project has screened in more than a half dozen film festivals in four countries since its release.
Thelen Creative is an audio & visual collective focusing on music and history.
Stream Thelen Creative – “Shade on Me” on YouTube:
Follow Thelen Creative:
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